Crop and supplement
In FARMAX you can customise the default properties for Crops and Supplementary feeds in order to get a more accurate forecast. You can do this by selecting the Crops and Feeds database at Farm Level.

Variable MJME/kgDM
You can now assign different feed energy value (MJME/kdDM) for different times in the season.
For example, you’re taking two cuts of silage in the season and testing tells you the silage cut in June is 12 ME, but the silage cut in September is 10.5. You can update your silage record to reflect this variation.
To edit this value for different months, click the three dots on the right of the field.

Variable Price
You can now assign a different buy/sell cost for bought/sold feeds.
For example, if you're purchasing PKE outside of contract, you can update the cost for the months your purchasing it in.
To edit this value for different months, click the three dots on the right of the field.

Digestibility has been added as a feed property to support greenhouse gas reporting.
You may note we have added fields for Crude Protein and Neutral Detergent Fibre (NDF). We have added these in FARMAX Red Meat to help us better align our feed properties and default values with other tools and data sets.