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FARMAX Advantage

With FARMAX Advantage you can monitor your performance against the plan, enter actual event and performance data for your farm, and reforecast the effect on the farm plan.

Advantage comes in two versions: Dairy and Red Meat.

Check if your plan
is on track

Calculate your
GHG number

Break your farm into farmlets to compare performance

What can you do with Advantage?

Track your ongoing performance against the original plan.

Connect with data partners to import data from other systems.

Reforecast your plan based on your updates throughout the season.

Compare the physical and financial performance of farmlets within the farm.

Get a custom pasture growth forecast for your farm with PastureVibe.

Adapt early to changing feed conditions and capture opportunities in times of feed surplus.

$195 per month

Not sure if FARMAX Advantage is right for you?


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