FARMAX is all about getting the balance right in the key areas of farm planning, money management, sustainability and people.
Know how your farm income and expenses are looking for the next month, the next season or the next year, and then tweak the plan if the payout drops, there's no room at the works or you've got extra grass.
Test out different scenarios to see which plan is most profitable
Compare the gross margin of different enterprises and farmlets

Find your farm's optimal production capabilities by increasing or reducing stock numbers, changing up the stock type or applying nitrogen at a different time of year.
Play around with different options to determine which factors increase or decrease the production of your animals
Connect with PastureVibe to get a custom pasture growth forecast for your farm
Keep an eye on greenhouse gas emissions, including methane, nitrous oxide and carbon, and test out scenarios that can lower your farm's environmental impact.
Include carbon sequestered from forestry blocks in your FARMAX file to offset against stock emissions
Optimise your farm system to reduce emissions, while remaining profitable

Social wellbeing
Work/life balance can be hard to achieve when you live where you work, but FARMAX can help people spend less time on the business and more time doing other things that would enhance their wellbeing.
Create a data-driven plan that gives you confidence and faith in your farm system and provides peace of mind
Build clear and simple systems so you can see the big picture and know what's going to happen next
Spend less time worrying about the 'what ifs' and more time with the kids, watching the game or catching up with friends
Not sure which FARMAX product is right for you?
Learn about our different products to see which is the best fit for you and your farm