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Get accredited

How FARMAX Accreditation works

The FARMAX Accreditation programme enables consultants, farmers and other agricultural professionals to become recognised as having advanced FARMAX skills in the areas of farm monitoring, farm modelling and farm systems analysis.

There are three different levels of FARMAX Accreditation for both Dairy and Sheep, Beef & Deer: Bronze, Silver and Elite.

Participants can complete up to any level of accreditation they choose, but they must be completed in the above order.

There is also a module called the FARMAX Monitoring Certification which provides evidence of best practice for users involved in data entry and updating of FARMAX files.


“Becoming accredited gave me the ability to identify the strengths and weaknesses of various farm systems and able to more confidently discuss this with clients and fellow consultants.”

- Angela Tanner, BakerAg

The benefits of being FARMAX Accredited

  • Acknowledgement of being a competent and skilled FARMAX user

  • Profile on the ‘Find a Consultant’ page of the FARMAX website (Elite and Silver only)

  • Digital accreditation logo to add to your email signature

  • Certificate of achievement for each level passed

  • Free FARMAX merch and goodies

Module costs

Each accreditation module has a small fee for the administration of developing the documentation and activities, marking, providing feedback and re-sits.

All refresher examinations are free of charge. 

  • FARMAX Monitoring Certification - $50

  • FARMAX Bronze Accreditation - $100

  • FARMAX Silver Accreditation - $150

  • FARMAX Elite Accreditation - $250

Complete the form below and we'll help you get started on your accreditation journey

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