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Including forestry in
your FARMAX farm

Have you ever wanted to see how putting a part of your farm into forestry will impact you wider farm system?

Farm businesses are increasingly considering forestry as a way to diversify land use and income streams. Using the Forestry block feature available in FARMAX 8 you can begin to understand how putting land into Forestry affects your overall farm business.

What if we put our lowest pasture production block into pines, what would our stocking rate need to be? How would that impact or gross margin? What if we only put half that area in?

Learn how to add Forestry blocks to your FARMAX file here.

Existing plantation

You can add your existing forestry into your existing models, this will allow you to incorporate the forestry area into your reporting using the new Total area divisor, find out more about Area changes here(link).

Representing your forestry blocks in your FARMAX models will help better align your FARMAX model with other your records such as farm environment plans.

Other blocks

FARMAX also allows you to create other blocks which you can use to represent areas of your farm not in pasture that you want to include your model, e.g. riparian strips, wetlands, QEII or leased land.


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