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Latest features

Here's a quick look at some of the newest features in FARMAX

FARMAX KPIs displayed
in FarmIQ

FARMAX reports can now be displayed in FarmIQ as info-rich widgets. The widgets cover a range of feed, production and GHG KPIs, and include both forecasts for the remainder of the current season (July - June), as well as comparisons against the last season.


You can now import real-time pasture growth forecasts into your monitoring files, updating growth rates to reflect changes in weather and soil moisture forecasts, specific to your farm’s location.  

Enhanced farmlet-level monitoring

Cover forecasts now available to be modelled at the overall farmlet, rather than blocks within a farmlet.

In progress

We've got some exciting new features coming out
soon - here is what we are working on currently

The ability to create a FARMAX file from FarmIQ data

Updated feed intake equations for:

  • Sheep

  • Beef

  • Deer

FARMAX Dairy: the ability to send dairy production data from FarmIQ to FARMAX

Data flowing from FarmIQ to FARMAX, including:

  • Additional financial values

  • Weights from weighing sessions

  • Mating and scanning information

Data from FARMAX reports displayed in FarmIQ, including:

  • Pasture covers

  • Greenhouse gas emissions

  • Supply versus demand

Future plans

Here are a few of the new features we'd like to add
in the not-too-distant future

Further enhancements to the FARMAX > FarmIQ integrations

Fonterra milk production data into FARMAX

What features do you want to see next?

Feedback from customers helps us prioritise new features. Please let us know via the form below which new features you think we should work on next.

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Thanks for your feedback!


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